
Saturday, April 25, 2015

3052: Crime

3052: Crime

It may take the larger part of the next 1,000 years to do so, but in that time society will have a far better attitude about what is a crime and what is not. Acts and event that are today a crime will be better thought of as "nobody's business" or as an unfortunate circumstance that deserves treatment and remedy rather than summary incarceration.

In very low density population areas, simple exile could suffice as punishment fitting a crime. However, in those days and regions, worshiping the wrong god or even the right god in the wrong way was a crime worthy of death. Worshiping no god at all was the worst.

In societies where there was limited resources to maintain a convicted felon in a cage, they developed the paradigm of extremity amputation as both a marker of ones status as a criminal and as a practical limiting of ones ability to be a recidivist. 

A large portion of the laws of the land, any land, are formed and enforced to seat power in an elite group of people. All churches of the adolescent faiths exercise that power over the population. They determine what a crime is and what the punishment shall be many times in a completely arbitrary fashion. For instance the very same act by two people of widely different social levels will be treated differently. One might receive a fine while the other is incarcerated for a number of years.

During the run up to the 3rd Millennium, acts and event that are deemed crimes and worthy of punishment will be greatly reduced. While in some arcane times and locations, selling spray paint on a Sunday was a crime. It was deemed so because a competing paint seller did not want to remain open on his Sabbath. Even in the 21st Century many states prohibit the sale of alcohol on Sundays. It remains a crime.

As our attitudes evolve, the possession off drugs that some people use for recreational purposes will drop out of the list of substances that can get a person incarcerated for merely possession. There will be a two-fold reason behind this. First there will be no morality reason for curtailing their use and there will be no value in prosecuting and housing offenders. More specifically, no one will profit from the former crime either by being employed to apprehend, prosecute and incarcerate the possessor. Similarly, the price of purchase will be market driven rather than held artificially high such that someone benefits from the high price.  Petty crimes will not be necessary when an addicting substance becomes an inexpensive product rather than a major revenue source for the manufacturers and distributers.

All drug use will be a public health matter rather than a judicial one. No one will have to steal or assault another to get the money to assuage their addiction. If they want treatment, they can get it. Otherwise they will be free to kill themselves with their addictions.

The vast majority of people do not steal because they have less than someone else. They steal when they do not have enough of food, shelter, comforts and in the case of addictions not enough of the addicting substance. Solving the resource allocation puzzle will reduce a significant amount of petty crime and simple assaults.

Alcohol doesn't cause people to exhibit bad behaviors rather it lowers ones self-control to release the angers and the antisocial attitudes that are already in the person and are being suppressed until the alcohol changes the game. Most antisocial behaviors are learned at an early age. Parents or the absence of parents shape how a child will develop. We create our own monsters by how we treat children. They endure mistreatment then pass it along to their own children. It is very difficult to break that chain of abuser-abuse without separating the children at a very early age from the abuse.  The children must be relocated to a parental environment where abuse will not continue.

In those 1,000 years of change, we will (must) learn to identify the abuser environments early and break the cycle.

Partner abuse is also a crime. Striking a partner, a parent or a child is an assault that is a learned behavior. Psychological abuse is also learned. Misogynic behaviors are also learned either from parents, relatives and even other people in the neighborhood, including other children. Once the conditions that propagate abusive relationships are better understood and identified, the crime level associated with the behaviors will also be mitigated.

Much of the domestic violence that exists up through the 21st Century is associated with job stress, lack of sufficient incomes, and unrealistic expectations of what the partner is supposed to do. Some of those expectations are derived from religious texts that have been references over and over again. With those influences minimized, so will be the behavioral crimes of abuse and domestic violence. When a person who is today a vulnerable partner and has nowhere to go and no way to subsist, is able to get out and stay away on his or her own, then there will be far fewer intransigent circumstances.

Product advertising in the 21st Century is a process of isolating consumers, telling them that they are inadequate by showing to them people who are perfect, and creating in them an anxiety that they are missing out and will never catch up. They show a person wearing a $900 jacket, $300 footwear and how sexy they seem to the opposite sex.  Those who can afford the products buy them. Those who cannot buy them steal them from someone who has or they buy cheap knockoff copies (actually two crimes in one). In that distant future, there will be no such expensive clothing and accessories therefore no need to mug someone and steal.

The sheer numbers of possible buyers will make the per unit profit rates much lower. For instance selling a single song file for 99ȼ to 1/10 of the US population today generates $31 million dollars FOR JUST ONE SONG. When the US population is 600 to 1000 million, the royalties would generate $60 to $100 million at the same ratios. Of course, this assumes that people will care to buy access to individual songs after the passage of 1,000 year from now.

Pirating music for one's private collection of music will certainly be non-existent in that far away day. The "must have" recordings like we have today will be so clique by then.

Driving while intoxicated will be impossible with automobiles that routinely navigate themselves. Manual driving will be monitored by internal control systems so as to take over when the inebriated driver makes moves that are contrary to acceptable parameters. No need for it to be a crime to drive intoxicated when you just won't be able to do it.

With the reduction of things that ARE crimes and the economic inequities that foster crimes of desperation, will come a lessening of the fears and hatreds of people who are not exactly like ourselves. Those divisional attitudes will lessen the personal violence that has been a hallmark up through this 21st Century.  While it will take a very long time to reign in 300 million handguns of America, gun ownership in 3052 will be nearly non-existent.

Suspects of trivial crimes will not need to be subdued and brutalized. They won't feel it necessary to carry a gun to protect themselves from other petty crime, to commit a crime or attempt to not be arrested for a crime. Police will not need to shoot fleeing suspects when they already know exactly who they are and can pick them up at any later time.

The whole idea that one can steal a piece of art supposes that someone wants to buy it at a price that the thief, fence and other intermediaries need to make it worth the effort. The buying selling of art also supposes that someone later on will pay an even higher price the next time the art is offered at auction. At some point that entire concept breaks down.

The same goes for gems and jewelry. The only reason a man would spend $4,000 for an engagement ring is that the woman he want to marry has been taught the message that you get a big stone or the whole thing is off. She is taught to swoon over a bit of crystalline carbon. This is an advertising and gem industry coup to get people to spend great sums on object that will never return the purchase price, ever. In 3052, people will be wiser than today and not want such expensive frivolous trinkets and they just won't have the funds to spend on them. With few people wanting this jewelry there will be few people to steal from or steal for. 

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